Dear all,
We are posting a well-over due update on where we are at with the Black pilots and the next tasks to finalising them.
Since we last caught up the plugs for the pilots have been done and placed in the shafts, the next operations is to complete the pins and cans to ensure each puzzle is ready for use and each part works as intended for a good user experience.
During a meeting with both of us, it was brought to our attention the frustrations on Discord and we understand the delays in the anticipated new Lite’s haven’t been communicated well enough.
When we lost a key player, our machinist Josh, it has taken much longer than we expected to get to where we should be. We do hope to bring a machinist in due course. Over the months Chris has re-visited all the programs and learning the operations on the machine to make it more efficient. Since Covid, Chris was badly affected and has found long-term symptoms such as brain fog that has affected his concentration which haven’t helped.
The Black’s have been developed since last year to get them to a stage where we’re happy with the product and ensuring they meet the standard we were seeking. Ideally this should have happened a lot quicker and from this we have learned to set more realistic timelines or not promise a date until we are ready to begin delivery.
We want to reassure we do hear your feedback and take it into consideration and while it has taken longer to fulfil, we enormously appreciate everyone’s dedication to their order and belief in the new series, we’re committed to getting it to where it should be with the aim of delivering value for money products to get stuck into and provide a lot of joy for the foreseeable.
While the Lite series will continue to develop, we do have orders in the background that will be fulfilled such as the V4’s, some special editions like the Purple’s and Handmade’s, and the VAULTMAZE project this year that is still in talks and will be continued. The advanced and limited edition Lite designs have begun and Chris is designing them in the background to get them into a working state, that will be checked over before being sent out.
Production is continuing to happen and as soon as there are dates that are set in stone and we feel happy to confirm it, we will do so over the site forum and the Discord to ensure we can communicate more openly with you. Live-streaming equipment has been invested in by the company to share the production and the high and lows we can come across, as well as announcements on a more direct level.
We would like to say once again thank you for your belief in the products and we are here if there’s any concerns or questions, we will do our best to keep in touch and provide news as early as possible.
Kindest regards,
Rachel & Chris